Weblog abonnieren

Hey, what's happened to our lives?
When did you and me forget how to have a good time?
And we gotta get back to the life
That we forgot cause we got too much on our minds

Hey, we got to make some time for the stuff that you can't buy
And get a life cause you know all that serious stuff ain't no fun

Who says you can't be happy all the time?
I know but I'm still gonna try
Hey let's all go out tonight
Why don't you and me go out and have a good time?
Make our life a supernatural high
Cause we're both leaving all that bad stuff far behind

Hey there's gonna come a time you kiss it all goodbye
So get a life cause you ain't got a clue when that day's gonna come
Who says you can't be happy all the time?
I know but I'm still gonna try

Who says you can't be happy all the time?
Say what you like but I'm still gonna try
Who says you can't be happy all the time?
I know but I'm still gonna try
Who says you can't be happy all the time?
I know but I'm still gonna try

Who says you can't be happy all the time?
Say what you like but I'm still gonna try

But I'm still gonna try
But I'm still gonna try
dj.schmido meinte am 18. Okt, 00:04:
Hi Stopperl!

Hugo hat vor ein paar Tagen auf seinem weblog einen Aufruf gemacht und um Tipps ersucht, welche denn die momentanen Lieblingssongs der blogger so sind. Lies mal nach, es kamen sage und schreibe 84 Kommentare...
"Happy" von der Lighthouse Family war dabei eine meiner Empfehlungen an ihn, allerdings nicht die Radio Version sondern der Remix. Vielleicht geht's dir ja mehr um den Text, mir ist jedenfalls der Rhythmus wichtig und ich finde das Ding groovt. It rulez!

Bussi aus der kalten Heimat, Schmidl AGB

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